Entries by Tom Doescher

Hire Owners

I hate to shop. In fact, I really hate to shop. But I needed to upgrade my wardrobe, so I ventured into Nordstrom’s — and, to my surprise, I was delighted to meet Howard Klein. Klein probably deals with lots of guys like me, but he was amazing. He was direct, but not pushy. He […]

That Guy

I recently heard Henry Cloud speak from his very powerful book, Necessary Endings. Cloud used the phrase “That Guy” to label the team member in every company who is holding the rest of the team back from greatness. Cloud’s talk led me to reflect back on so many organizations where I have met “That Guy.” […]

Don’t settle for less than the best

The most successful companies focus on developing the best team members possible. It is an ongoing process, and includes both continually raising the bar on existing team members and occasionally adding and grooming new team members. Businesses that become complacent and satisfied with their performance eventually lose to more innovative, aggressive competitors. Do you have […]

Customers versus Associates

Successful owners/executives realize they need to spend an equal amount of time developing their associates and winning and retaining customers. While it is a fact that without customers you have no business, it is also true that without knowledgeable, well-trained, and motivated associates you cannot keep good customers. We have observed that some executives focus […]