Companies & Executives
Sound & Practical Business Advice
You are at the pinnacle, yet it can be lonely at the top. Who is there to listen? With whom can you share your ideas, as crazy as they may seem? Who can you trust? The core of our business is strengthening executives in their roles as leaders. Our service is completely tailored to the person and situation at hand. Clients utilize us during critical moments in both their business and professional development. They call upon us for solutions ranging from professional development to the implementation of strategic goals, and from critical problem-resolution to team coaching. Doescher Advisors is there for you; this is our expertise.
Experienced Second Opinion
Do you have a go-to resource? A sounding board? Someone who will push you through to the next goal? Our approach is designed to advance your particular goals. Generally, our service includes a monthly face-to-face meeting, with an established agenda and specific goals. Where do you want to go? Let Doescher Advisors help you get there.
Assessment of Individual & Team Strengths
Do you ever find your team in conflict? Do you know why? Doescher Advisors offers an assessment that helps teams appreciate their differences when making decisions. Some people are naturally optimistic, while others are skeptical. People handle risk in different ways. And finally, some team members move faster while others are more thoughtful. We believe the best companies value all points of view.
Ideas for the Next Season
Are you someone approaching your Next Season? We have a passion for encouraging second careers. Having successfully made the transition from a multi-decade career, we launched Doescher Advisors. It was one of the most emotionally difficult, challenging periods of our lives, but this Next Season looks very bright and we are excited to share our experiences with others. To that end, we have journaled our path. This summary includes many things we did right and a bunch we did wrong. Hope you enjoy and take away one idea for your own adventure. Read Thoughts for the Next Season.
It’s All About Jobs
Do you need people? We are very focused on helping businesses create profits & jobs. Over the past several years, we have observed that many privately owned businesses have missed out on the opportunity of offering internships, co-ops and/or apprenticeships. We have encouraged and assisted business owners & senior executives to develop their own program to attract & hire talent. The nice thing about internships is there is a sunset (i.e. stated period). So, if you the employer are not interested in hiring the intern full-time, or if the intern is not interested in your company, it is easy to part ways. This concept was discussed in our June 2015 Build Your Own Dream Team Food For Thought. We would love to help you.