Book List
The following are books we have read and have categorized to make it easier for you to find something you may enjoy. We would not necessarily recommend every book to every person. If you are interested, we offer a complimentary one-on-one session where we can tailor our suggestions to your interests and needs.
- Crucial Conversations, Patterson, Grenny, McMillan & Switzler
- Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, Liz Wiseman
- Leading with the Heart, Mike Krzyzewski
- Next Generation Leader, Andy Stanley
- The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership, Steven Sample
- Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?, Louis Gerstner
- Tough Choices, Carly Fiorina
- Winning, Jack Welch
- Enough, John Bogle
- Loving Monday, John Beckett
- Mastering Monday, John Beckett
- Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, Verne Harnish
- Leadership is an Art, Max DePree
- Leadership and the New Science, Margaret Wheatley
- The Congruent Life, Michael Thompson
- Servant Leadership, Robert Greenleaf
- Understanding Leadership, Tom Marshall
- Senior Leadership Teams, Ruth Wageman
- The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker
- The Peter Principle, Laurence Peters
- The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes & Barry Posner
- The Romance of Tata Steel, R.M. Lala
- Dr. Deming, Rafael Aguayo
- Even Happier: A Gratitude Journal, Tal Ben-Shahar
- Onward, Howard Schultz
- Succession Transition, Bill Hermann & Gordon Krater
- From Values to Action, Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr.
- Disciplined Dreaming, Josh Linkner
- Start with Why, Simon Sinek
- Ownership Thinking, Brad Hams
- American Icon, Bryce Hoffman
- Like A Virgin, Richard Branson
- Zero To One, Peter Thiel
- Elon Musk, Renaissance Man
- Right Away, All At Once, Greg Brenneman
- Tribal Leadership, Logan, King & Fischer-Wright
- The Deal Maker, Axel Madsen
- The Coaching Questions, Mike Tattersall
- Elon Musk, Ashlee Vance
- Setting the Table, Danny Meyer
- Principles, Ray Dalio
- Servant Leadership in Action, Ken Blanchard & Renee Broadwell
- Shoe Dog, Phil Knight
- Ninja Future, Gary Shapiro
- Delivering Happiness, Tony Hsieh
- Make The Noise Go Away – The Power of An Effective Second in Command, Larry Linne
- Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson
- Spiritual Leadership, Oswald Sanders
- iWoz, Steve Wozniak
- Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek
- Riding Shotgun – The Role of the COO, Bennett & Miles
- High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard
- The Carpenter, Jon Gordon
- Kochland, Christopher Leonard
- The Everything Store, Brad Stone
- Dapper Dan, Daniel Day
- Winners Dream, Bill McDermott
- The Life of Charles Stewart Mott, Edward Renehan
- The Infinite Game, Simon Sinek
- Rethinking Success, Doug Holladay
- Leadership Lessons From The Covid-19 Crisis, Rachel Feintzeig
- No Rules Rules – Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention, Reed Hastings & Erin Meyer,
- Dare Mighty Things, TM Smith
- The Code Breaker (Jennifer Douda), Walter Isaacson
- The Double Helix (Discovery of DNA), James D. Watson
- CEO Excellence, Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller & Vikram Malhotra
- The Choice to Show Up: Who I Am Matters, Mark Freier
- The Transformation Factor, J. Frank Harrison III
- The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger
- The Snowball Warren Buffet, Alice Schroeder
- Flamin’ Hot, Richard Montanez
- Excellence Wins, Horst Schulze
- Chief Joy Officer, Richard Sheridan, Menlo Innovations
- Believe It, Jamie Kern Lima
- When Professionals Have to Lead, Thomas DeLong, John Gabarro & Robert Lees
- Managing the Professional Service Firm, David Maister
- What Leaders Really Do, John Kotter
- HBR on Leadership, Harvard Business Review
- The Trusted Advisor, David Maister
- Rebel Talent, Francesca Gino
- Humanocracy, Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini
- On the Brink, Henry Paulson, Jr.
- The Big Short, Michael Lewis
- Too Big to Fail, Andrew Sorkin
- Overhaul, Steven Rattner
- Car Guys vs. Bean Counters, Bob Lutz
- Factory Man, James E. Harbour
- This Time Is Different, Reinhart & Rogoff
- The Smartest Guys In The Room, Bethany McLean & Peter Elkins
- Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed & The Fall of Arthur Andersen, Barbara Toffler
- When We Are Free, Timothy Nash
- Make It In America, Andrew Liveris
- The Capitalist Comeback, Andrew Puzder
- Fair Shot, Chris Hughes
- The Coming Jobs War, Jim Clifton
- Aftershock, Robert Reich
- Eat The Rich, P.J. O’Rourke
- The Road to Serfdom, F. A. Hayek
- The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
- Built in Detroit, Bob Morris
- The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Michael Novak
- Why Nations Fail, Acemoglu & Robinson
- Government Zero, Michael Savage
- Antifragile, Nassim Taleb
- Big Is Beautiful, Atkinson && Lind
- The Great Deformation, David A. Stockman
- The Coming Jobs War, Jim Clifton
- Nudge, Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein
- The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The Rule of Law, Tom Bingham
- The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins
- The Ethics of Money Production, Jorg Guido Hulsmann
- Love Your Enemies, Arthur C. Brooks
- Political Visions & Illusions, David Koyzis
- Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
- The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy, Warren Mosler
- Socialnomics, Erik Qualman
- Good Jobs Strategy, Zeynep Ton
- The Power Elite, C. Wright Mills
- Barons, Austin Frerick
- Wealth: Is It Worth It?, Truett Cathy
- Thou Shall Prosper, Daniel Lapin
- The Billionaire Who Wasn’t, Conor O’Cleary
- The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn
- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
- Rich Habits, Thomas Corley
- Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, Tom Corley
- The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley & Danko
- My Philosophy for Successful Living, Jim Rohn
- Beyond Wealth, Alexander Green
- Your Money or Your Life, Robin & Dominguez
- The Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason
- How I Turned $1,000 into Five Million in Real Estate, William Nickerson
- The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist
- Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
- Happy Money, Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts, Susan Cain
- The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck
- Daring Greatly, Dr. Brene Brown
- Crucial accountability, Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan
- Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
- Narcissistic Leader, Michael Maccoby
- Strengths Leadership, Tom Rath
- Radical Candor, Kim Scott
- Who Moved My Cheese?, Spencer Johnson & Kenneth Blanchard
- The No A__Hole Rule, Robert Sutton
- Good Boss, Bad Boss, Robert Sutton
- Understanding Yourself, William Menninger
- First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham
- Now, Discover Your Strengths, Donald Clifton & Marcus Buckingham
- Mindset-The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck
- Talent is Overrated, Geoff Colvin
- The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman
- Getting to Yes – Negotiating Agreement w/o Giving In, Bill Ury
- Standout, Marcus Buckingham
- The Enneagram – A Christian Perspective, Richard Rohr
- Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Bradberry & Greaves
- Thanks for the Feedback, Stone & Heen
- 8 Keys To Eliminating Passive – Aggressiveness, Andrea Brandt
- The Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley
- What Got You Here Won’t Get you There, Marshall Goldsmith
- Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in your Life, Linda Martinez
- The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt
- An Enneagram Journey To Self-Discovery, Cron & Stabile
- Overcoming Passive-Aggression, Murphy & Oberlin
- Switch On Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf
- Switch, Dan & Chip Heath
- Made to Stick, Chip & Dan Heath
- Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely
- The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Dan Ariely
- Winning From Within, Erica Ariel Fox
- Master Your Brain, Phillip Adcock
- Emotional Intelligence, Dr. David Walton
- Difficult Conversations, Stone, Patton, Heen
- The Speed of Trust, Stephen M.R. Covey
- Interpersonal Neurobiology, Daniel Siegel
- God Help Me! These People Are Driving Me Nuts!, Gregory Popcak
- The Happiness Equation, Neil Pasricha
- Business Chemistry, Kim Christfort & Suzanne Vickberg
- Unworried, Dr. Gregory Popcak
- Fully Human, Susan Packard
- Presence, Amy Cuddy
- As A Man Thinketh, James Allen
- Leading with Gratitude, Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton
- The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
- Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
- Habits of a Happy Brain – Retrain Your Brain, Loretta Graziano Breuning
- Relational Intelligence, Dr. Dharius Daniels
- Change to Strange, Daniel Cable
- Alive At Work, Daniel Cable
- Giving the Gift of a Career, Bill Hermann
- Winning The War In Your Mind, Craig Groeschel
- 12 Rules For Life, Jordan Peterson
- Together, The Healing Power of Human Connection, Dr. Vivek Murthy
- Courage To Connect, Mark Ostach
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, James Thurber
- Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell
- Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
- Anxiety Free, Robert Leahy
- The Comfort Crisis, Michael Easter
- The Happiness Trap, Russ Harris
- The Purpose Linked Organization, Alaina Love & Marc Cugnon
- Leading with Gratitude, Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton
- It’s Not the How or the What but the Who, Claudio Fernandez-Araoz
- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie
- Soundtracks, Jon Acuff
- Own Your Past Change Your Future, Dr. John Delony
- The Awesome Human Project, Nataly Kogan
- Flow – The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyl
- Trust & Inspire, Stephen M.R. Covey
- The Answer To Anxiety, Joyce Meyer
- Culture Shock, Jim Clifton & Jim Harter
- Against Empathy, Paul Bloom
- Toxic Positivity, Whitney Goodman
- Winning The Mental Game, Dr. Amber Selking
- My Stroke of Insight, Dr. Jill Bolton Taylor
- The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt
- American Girls, Nancy Jo Sales
- Hello Fears, Michelle Poler
- Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
- The New Leader’s 100 – Day Action Plan, Bradt, Check & Pedraza
- American Drive: How Manufacturing Will Save Our Country, Dick Dauch
- Remarkable, Dr. Randy Ross & David Salyers
- Blur, Stan Davis & Christopher Meyer
- Work Rules – Insights from Inside Google, Laszlo Bock
- Rocket Fuel, Gino Wickman & Mark Winters
- Execution, Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan
- The Great Game of Business, Jack Stack
- The World is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman
- Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Thomas L. Friedman
- The Culture Solution, Matthew Kelly
- Margin, Richard Swenson, M.D.
- The Profit Zone, Adrian Slywotzky
- Creativity, Inc., Ed Catmull
- Competitive Strategy, Michael Porter
- Islands of Profit In a Sea of Red Ink, Jonathan Byrnes
- Give and Take, Adam Grant
- Love Works, Joel Manby
- Lead with LUV, Ken Blanchard & Colleen Barrett
- Traction, Gino Wickman
- The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution, McChesney, Covey, Huling
- The Dream Manager, Matthew Kelly
- The War At Work, Seth Mattison & Joshua Medcalf
- Creative Confidence, David & Tom Kelley
- The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley
- Open-Book Management, John Case
- Scaling Up, Verne Harnish
- The Art of Why, Steve Lucenbach
- A Message to Garcia, Elbert Hubbard
- Profit First, Mike Michalowicz
- Microtrends Squared, Mark Penn
- Originals – How Non-Conformists Move the World, Adam Grant
- Right Away All At Once, Greg Brenneman
- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg
- The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Execution Culture, Christopher Elias & Mark Freier
- Choose Your Customer, Jonathan Byrnes and John Wass
- Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer
- Power Up Your Profits, Troy Waugh
- Getting Things Done, David Allen
- Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics & Biases, Tversky & Kahneman
- Freakonomics, Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
- Who Not How, Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy
- Smarter Faster Better, Charles Duhigg
- The Generosity Habit, Matthew Kelly
- GET A GRIP, Gino Wickman
- Double Double – How to Double Revenue & Profit, Cameron Herold
- A Great Place to Work For All, Michael Bush
- Small Giants, Bo Burlingham
- Range – Generalists Triumph in Specialized World, David Epstein
- Chasing Failure, Ryan Leak
- The Juggling Act, Pat Gelsinger
- Atomic Habits, James Clear
- Beginner’s Pluck, Liz Forkin Bohannon
- Leveling Up, Ryan Leak
- Lessons from the Mouse, Dennis Snow
- Leadership – Theory & Practice, Peter Northhouse
- When Giants Stumble, Robert Sobel
- Tradition Meets Transformation, Laurie Harbor & Scott Walton
- The Good Life Method, Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschke
- Do What You Love, Kate Volman
- How To Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie
- How I Raised Myself From Failure To Successes in Selling, Frank Bettger
- Marketing Myopia (HBR article), Theodore Levitt
- Kotler on Marketing, Philip Kotler
- Clients for Life, Jagdish Sheth & Andrew Sobel
- Purple Cow, Seth Godin
- The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes
- The Hunter, David Farbman
- The Challenger Sale, Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson
- The New Strategic Selling, Robert Miller & Stephen Heiman
- Hope Is Not A Strategy, Rick Page
- You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, David Sandler
- Grit, The Power of Passion & Perseverance, Angela Duckworth
- It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For, Roy Spence, Jr.
- The Asking Formula, John Baker
- Built To Sell, John Warrillow
- Raving Fans!, Ken Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles
- Positively Outrageous Service, T. Scott Gross
- Start With No, Jim Camp
- The Definitive Book of Body Language, Allan & Barbara Pease
- Never Split The Difference, Chris Voss
- Sales Management Simplified, Mike Weinberg
- Building A Story Brand, Donald Miller
- Pre-Suasion, Robert Cialdini
- They Ask You Answer, Marcus Sheridan
- Don’t Ride a Dinosaur, Jeff Antaya
- There Is No F In Sales, Simon Leslie
- The Best Sales Book Ever, Connie Podesta & Meridith Powell
- 3 Months To NO. 1, Will Coombe
- On Writing Well, William Zinsser
- The Visual Sale, Marcus Sheridan & Tyler Lessard
- Customers For Life, Carl Sewell
- Win Every Argument, Mehdi Hasan
- New Sales. Simplified., Mike Weinberg
- Eat Their Lunch, Anthony Iannarino
- Give to Grow, Mo Bunnell
- Fanatical Prospecting, Jeb Blount
- They Buy Your Because, Gerry O’Brion
- Cues – Charismatic Communication, Vanessa Van Edwards
- The Story of Mass Marketing in America, Richard S. Tedlow
- Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg
- Option B, Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
- The Confidence Code, Katty Kay & Claire Shipman
- Gifted to Lead: The Art of Leading as a Woman in the Church, Nancy Beach
- Strategize To Win, Carla Harris
- Expect To Win, Carla Harris
- Sacred Honor: Colin Powell, David Roth
- Abraham Lincoln: The Spiritual Growth of a Public Man, Elton Trueblood
- Abraham Lincoln: A Spiritual Biography, Elton Trueblood
- Lincoln on Leadership, Donald Phillips
- God’s Leader for a Nation: Abraham Lincoln, David Collins
- Washington’s Secret War, Thomas Fleming
- 1776, David McCullough
- John Adams, David McCullough
- When Character Was King: A Story of Ronald Reagan, Peggy Noonan
- Thirteen Days, Robert F. Kennedy
- Eyewitness to Power, David Gergen
- Rediscovering God in America, Newt Gingrich
- Team of Rivals, Doris Kearns Goodwin
- The Victory of Reason, Rodney Stark
- No Higher Honor, Condoleezza Rice
- The Forgotten Man, Amity Schlaes
- It Worked for Me, Colin Powell
- Special Trust, Robert McFarlane
- Leadership, Rudolph Giuliani
- The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Art of War, Sun Tzu
- Iliad, Homer
- Trump: The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump
- Killing Reagan, Bill O’Reilly
- Killing the Rising Sun, Bill O’Reilly
- Turn the Ship Around, David Marquet
- Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
- A Pope and A President, Paul Kengor
- Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky
- Like War, Singer & Brooking
- Win Bigly, Scott Adams
- Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell
- Fearless (Adam Brown), Eric Blehm
- Elite, Nick Hays
- Try Common Sense, Philip Howard
- Decision Points, George W. Bush
- Fear, Trump in the White House, Bob Woodward
- Six Days of War, Michael B. Oren
- Churchill Walking With Destiny, Andrew Roberts
- Leadership in Turbulent Times – Lessons from Presidents, Doris Kearns Goodwin
- Front Burner – Al Qaeda’s Attack on the USS Cole, Commander Lippold, USN
- Schindler’s Gift, Kevin Roberts
- Deep Under Cover, Jack Barsky
- How Do You Kill 11 Million People?, Andy Andrews
- American Nations, Colin Woodard
- A Promised Land, Barack Obama
- Red Notice, Bill Browder
- Fool’s Errand, Scott Horton
- Risk, General Stanley McChrystal
- Perfectly Wounded, Mike Day
- Make Your Bed, Admiral William H. McRaven
- The President Is Missing, Bill Clinton & James Patterson
- From the White House to the White Cross, Peggy Stanton
- The Sheriff of Ramadi, Dick Couch
- God’s Hand on America, Michael Medved
- Surf When You Can, Brett Crozier
- Sea Stories, Admiral William McRaven
- Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance
- Eleanor, David Michaelis
- The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren
- Discover Your Giftedness, Mels Carbonell
- Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybels
- Your Work Matters to God, Doug Sherman & William Hendricks
- Calling Christian Leaders, John Stott
- The Workaholic and His Family, Frank Minirth, Paul Meier, Frank Wichern, Bill Brewer & States Skipper
- The Servant Leader, Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges
- Leadership by the Book, Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybels & Phil Hodges
- The Dream Giver, Bruce Wilkinson
- The Life You’ve Always Wanted, John Ortberg
- Descending Into Greatness, Bill Hybels
- The Leadership Secrets of Jesus, Mike Murdock
- World Shapers – A Treasury of Quotes from Great Missionaries, Vinita Hampton & Carol Plueddmann
- Men in Leadership: One Minute Bible, Bob Briner
- Choosing to Cheat, Andy Stanley
- Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication, Chuck Swindoll
- Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness, Chuck Swindoll
- David: A Man of Passion and Destiny, Chuck Swindoll
- Taking the Lead, Dr. Ron Jenson
- The Call, Os Guinness
- Martin Luther King Jr., Marshall Frady
- A Simple Path, Mother Teresa
- Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, Bill Hybels
- The Principle of the Path, Andy Stanley
- Spiritual Leadership, Henry & Richard Blackaby
- EntreLeadership, Dave Ramsey
- Action Trumps Everything, Charles Kiefer
- Wealth: Is It Worth It?, Truett Cathy
- Ordering Your Private World, Gordon MacDonald
- Heroic Leadership, Chris Lowery
- simplify., Bill Hybels
- Teach Us to Number Our Days, David Roper
- A Beautiful Mess, Danielle Strickland
- Present over Perfect, Shauna Niequist
- Stay the Course, Choco De Jesus
- God Will Use This For Good, Max Lucado
- Resisting Happiness, Matthew Kelly
- Heaven Starts Now, Father John Ricardo
- Seven Prayers, Stormie Omartian
- Rainbow Man, Richard Rockman, Jr.
- Choosing A Life That Matters, Dennis Rainey
- The Light Entrusted to You, Dr. John Wood
- Defending The Free Market, The Rev. Robert Sirico
- Hope in the Dark, Craig Groeschel
- The Hole in Our Gospel, Richard Stearns
- The True Saint Nicholas, William Bennett
- Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb
- What I Wish I Knew In My 20s, Brad Olsen
- Do Something Beautiful for God, Mother Teresa
- I Heard God Laugh, Matthew Kelly
- The Final Quest, Rick Joyner
- Messengers of God, Elie Wiesel
- The Catholic Spring, Sam Wise
- The Crusades, An Epitome, Susanna Throop
- His Truth Is Marching On – John Lewis and the Power of Hope, Jon Meacham
- The Hidden Value of a Man, Gary Smalley & John Trent
- Kingdom Man, Tony Evans
- Reading While Black, Esau McCaulley
- Listening For God, Teresa Tomeo
- Spirit Wars, Kris Vallotton
- Manual For Spiritual Warfare, Paul Thigpen
- When God Becomes Real, Brian Johnson (Bethel, Redding)
- The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen, Matthew Kelly
- Rediscover the Saints, Matthew Kelly
- Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay, Daniel Mattson
- The Truth About Clergy Sexual Abuse, Bill Donohue
- Prison Journal, Volume 3: The High Court Frees An Innocent Man, Cardinal George Pell
- Life is Messy, Matthew Kelly
- The Wisdom of Sundays, Oprah Winfrey
- Good to Great in God’s Eyes, Chip Ingram
- How Churches and Leaders Can Get It, Craig Groeschel
- The Book of Joy, Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama & Douglas Abrams
- Holy Moments, Matthew Kelly
- From Wild Man to Wise Man, Richard Rohr
- Lead Like IT Matters, Craig Groeschel
- The Journey To Ultimate Friendship, Michael Timmis
- Abide In Christ, Andrew Murray
- Entering His Presence, Rabbi Kirt Schneider
- All My Knotted-Up Life (A Memoir), Beth Moore
- The Spiral of Life, Loren Siffring
- How to Stay Married, Harrison Scott Key
- The Power To Change, Craig Groeschel
- Loren’s Musings, Dr. Loren Siffring
- Disobedient God, Albert Tate
- Bo’s Lasting Lessons, Bo Schembechler & John Bacon
- Tom Landry, Tom Landry & Gregg Lewis
- Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy & Nathan Whitaker
- From Ashes to Glory, Bill McCartney & Dave Diles
- The Lombardi Rules, Vince Lombardi Jr.
- The Miracle of St. Anthony, Adrian Wojnarowski
- Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, John Wooden & Jay Carty
- Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance, Tony Dungy & Nathan Whitaker
- The Score Takes Care of Itself, Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison & Craig Walsh
- Season of Life, Jeffrey Marx
- The Long Snapper, Jeffrey Marx
- The Mentor Leader, Tony Dungy, Jim Caldwell & Nathan Whitaker
- Three and Out: Rich Rodriguez, John Bacon
- Destination Unstoppable, Maureen Electa Monte
- Imperfect: An Improbable Life, Jim Abbott and Tim Brown
- Motivated to Dream Big, Linnell Jones-McKenney
- Bleachers, John Grisham
- High Strung: Borg, McEnroe & the Untold Story, Stephen Tignor
- Legacy (All Blacks Rugby Team), James Kerr
- Winning Every Day, Lou Holtz
- Just Show Up, Cal Ripken, Jr.
- Taking The Lead, Dave Alpern
- The Captain Class, Sam Walker
- The Matheny Manifesto, Mike Matheny
- Stay Sane In An Insane World, Greg Harden
- Claiming Your Place at the Fire, Richard Leider & David Shapiro
- Reboot!, Phil Burgess
- Fire Your Excuses, Bill Dyment & Marcus Dayhoff
- Take Control of Your Aging, William Malarkey, M.D.
- The Hero’s Farewell, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld
- Purpose and a Paycheck, Chris Farrell
- Overcoming Arthritis, David Brownstein
- Arthritis 101, Arthritis Foundation
- The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch
- The Last Arrow, Erwin McManus
- Second Acts, Stephen Pollan & Mark Levine
- Younger Next Year, Chris Crowley & Henry Lodge, M.D.
- Spring Chicken – Stay Young Forever (Or Die Trying), Bill Gifford
- Gratitude, Oliver Sacks
- The Next Chapter of Your Life, Douglas Pagels
- The Best Is Yet To Come, Lorene Hanley Duquin
- When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi
- Life Force, Tony Robbins
- Walking the Way of the Cross for Caregivers, Michelle Laque Johnson
- The Fourth Quarter of Your Life, Matthew Kelly & Allen Hunt
- The Good Life, Robert Waldinger, MD & Marc Schulz, PhD
- Built to Last
- Good to Great
- How the Mighty Fall
- Great By Choice
- Beyond Entrepreneurship (BE) 2.0
- Boundaries
- Necessary Endings
- Integrity
- The One-Life Solution
- The Power of the Other
- Trust in Life and Business
- Authentic Leadership
- True North
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- The Five Temptations of a CEO
- The Three Signs of a Miserable Job
- Death by Meeting
- The Advantage
- Making Meetings Work, John Tropman
- Getting Naked
- The Motive
- Liars Poker
- The Undoing Project
- The Fifth Risk
- The Big Short
- Blind Side
- The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader
- Attitude 101
- Intentional Living
- The Power of Your Potential
- Developing the Leader Within You
- In Search of Excellence
- A Passion for Excellence
- Thriving on Chaos
- Drive
- To Sell Is Human
- Free Agent Nation – The Future of Working for Yourself
- When, The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
- The Starfish and the Spider, Ori Brafman & Rod Beckstrom
- Morph: The Texture of Leadership, Ron Martoia
- Finding a Job You Can Love, Ralph Mattson & Arthur Miller Jr.
- The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferriss
- A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger von Oech
- Cradle to Cradle, McDonough & Braungart
- Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It, Cali Ressler
- Making Ripples, Mike Breaux
- The E Myth Manager, Michael Gerber
- American Wheels Chinese Roads, Michael J. Dunne
- Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner
- Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore
- Tribes, Seth Godin
- The Art of Choosing, Sheena Iyengar
- Bridge Builder, Walther Leisler Kiep
- Reckless Endangerment, Morgensen & Rosner
- David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell
- The Other Side of Innovation, Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble
- The Go-Giver, Burg & Mann
- The Road To Reinvention, Josh Linkner
- Rookie Smarts, Liz Wiseman
- Humble Inquiry, Edgar Schein
- The Lean Manager, Michael &Freddy Balle
- Seizing The White Space, Mark Johnson
- Conscious Business, Fred Kofman
- The Behavior Gap, Carl Richards
- Business Adventures, John Brooks
- the Culture Map, Erin Meyer
- Playbook-For Your Extraordinary Life, Elaine Seat
- Remembering Flint Michigan, Gary Flinn
- Good Work, E.F. Schumacher
- Mastering Bitcoin for Dummies, Alan Norman
- Fish! Tales, Lundin, Christenson, Paul & Strand
- Mastering Civility,Christine Porath
- The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
- The Charge, Brendon Burchard
- The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes
- Storytelling as Best Practice, Andy Goodman
- Average Is Over, Tyler Cowen
- Don’t Just Give It Away, Renata Rafferty
- Driven By Difference, David Livermore
- Managing a Private Foundation, Paul Rhoads
- The Policy Governance Model, John Carver
- Blind Spot, Mahzarin Banaji & Anthony Greenwald
- Licensed To Lie, Sidney Powell
- The Elements of Style, William Strunk & E.B. White
- Scary Smart, Mo Gawdat
- Blockbusters, Anita Elberse
- The New Jim Crowe, Michelle Alexander
- Love in the Driest Season, Neely Tucker
- Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now, Maya Angelou
- Same Kind of Different As Me, Ron Hall
- The Bluest Eyes, Toni Morrison
- The Color of Water, James McBride
- Kingdom Man, Tony Evans
- Just Courage, Gary Haugen
- How to Be An Antiracist, Ibram Kendi
- Reading While Black, Esau McCaulley
- Left To Tell, Immaculee Ilibagiza
- White Fragility, Robin Diangelo
- Kingdom Beyond Color, Leonard Lovett
- His Truth Is Marching On, Jon Meacham
- A Promised Land, Barack Obama
- Faces At The Bottom of The Well, Derrick Bell
- Family Properties, Beryl Satter
- Heroes of the Faith – Frederick Douglass
- The Ground Breaking – An American City (Tulsa), Scott Ellsworth
- The Upswing, Robert Putnam
- Tattoos on the Heart, Gregory Boyle
- Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Amy Jacques-Garvey
- Welcoming Justice, John Perkins
- One Blood, John Perkins
- Go Together, Shola Richards
- The 1619 Project – A Brief History
- The White Man’s Burden, William Easterly
- Writing My Wrongs, Shaka Senghor
- The Poisoned City, Anna Clark
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Alex Haley
- Reclaiming Your Community, Majora Carter
- The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones
- Caste – The Origins of Our Discontent, Isabel Wilkerson
- Dark Alliance, Gary Webb
- Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson
- Criminal (In)Justice, Rafael Mangual
- The State of Black America, W.B. Allen
- Agency, Ian Rowe
- Faces at The Bottom of The Well, Derrick Bell
- Dopefiend, Donald Goines
- Eraced, John Amanchukwu
- Anti-Racist Leadership, James D. White & Krista White
- Hidden Figures, Margot Lee Shetterly
- Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Dr. Joy Degruy
- Mountains Beyond Mountains, Tracy Kidder
- You’ve Been Chosen, Cynt Marshall
- Turnaround – How America’s Top Cop Reversed the Crime Epidemic, William Bratton
- The Greatest Generation, Tom Brokaw
- Blackout, Candance Owens
- These Truths, Jill Lepore
- Black Picket Fences, Mary Pattillo
- Whose Land? Whose Promise? Gary Burge
- Catch – 67, Micah Goodman
- The Words of My Father, Yousef Bashir
- Jewish Literacy, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
- Not In God’s Name, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
- Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, Yossi Klein Halevi
- The Lean Startup, Eric Ries
- The Israel Test, George Gilder
- the little liar, Mitch Albom
- The Happiest Man on Earth, Eddie Jaku
- Serving with Eyes Wide Open, David Livermore
- Ministering Cross-Culturally, Lingenfelter and Mayers
- The Hole in Our Gospel, Richard Stearns
- My Business My Mission, Doug Seebeck/Timothy Stoner
- Love Does, Bob Goff
- Left to Tell, Immaculate Ilibagiza
- A Cold Day In Paradise – Alex McKnight, Steve Hamilton
- Winter of the Wolf Moon – Alex McKnight, Steve Hamilton
- The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, John LeCarre
- The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson
- The Hunting Wind – Alex McKnight, Steve Hamilton
- The Boys from Biloxi, John Grisham
- North of Nowhere, Steve Hamilton
- Blood Is the Sky, Steve Hamilton
- Ice Run, Steve Hamilton
- A Stolen Season, Steve Hamilton
- Misery Bay, Steve Hamilton
- A Resilient Life, Gordon MacDonald
- Detroit (A Biography), Scott Martelle
- When Helping Hurts, Steve Corbett
- The Peacemaker: Handling Conflict, Sande and Johnson
- The Seven Daughters of Eve, Bryan Sykes
- reconcile, John Paul Lederach
- The Noticer, Andy Andrews
- The Boys in the Boat, Daniel James Brown
- Just Courage, Gary Haugen
- Chase The Lion, Mark Batterson
- Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander, M.D.
- More of the Holy Spirit, Sr. Ann Shields
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Harold Kushner
- The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle
- The Magic, Rhonda Byrne
- The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand
- Play On: The New Science of Elite Performance at Any Age, Jeff Bercovici
- The Sexual State, Jennifer Roback Morse
- The Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell
- The Energy Bus
- Positively 4th Street – The Lives of Joan Baez & Bob Dylan, David Hajdu
- The Kindness Diaries, Leon Logthetis
- The Tenth Man, Graham Greene
- Blackberry Winter, Margaret Mead
- The Road to Character, David Brooks
- Oscar and The Lady in Pink, Eric-Emmauel Schmitt
- Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
- Beyond Order, Jordan B. Peterson
- Still Here – Elaine Stritch, Alexandra Jacobs
- The Empowered Wife – 6 Intimacy Skills, Laura Doyle
- The Feast of the Goat, Mario Vargas Llosa
- Your Good Body, Jennifer Taylor Wagner
- We Should Not Be Friends, Will Schwalbe
- I Never Knew That About Colorado, Abbott Fay