Entries by Tom Doescher

Will your company be successful in 20 years?

Over the years I have noticed a correlation between successful companies and the average experience level of their leadership team (you may call it your executive or management team). I have worked with companies that, although they are making money, are noticeably slipping. A common denominator among these companies seems to be that they aren’t […]

There are leaders all over the plant

A number of years ago I was in a meeting with a high-profile Tier 1 automotive CEO. The subject was leadership on the plant floor. His premise was that there are leaders throughout our companies, but we — the chairmen, managers, and supervisors — don’t see them. To make his point, he told those of […]

Can I Please Talk to Someone?

If you regularly read my blog and newsletter, you already know about my struggles with technology. Based on the feedback I receive, many of you can relate. Well, here’s an issue I’m still processing. I have an opinion about it, but I concede I may be wrong. I’m not sure yet. Anyway, many of the […]