Entries by Tom Doescher

Culture Shock

“Culture Shock” is the latest book from the folks at Gallup. It includes some thoughts on allowing team members to work remotely, and it also provides some great insights and advice on several other key people issues. If you like statistics, this is your book. It’s filled with results from Gallup’s many global surveys of […]

Revision to October 9, 2023 Blog Post

In my post yesterday regarding Customers For Life, I have modified the 10th Commandment by eliminating the first sentence and changing the Editorial Comment. Here is the revised post: 10. Learn how the best really do it, and make their systems your own. Then improve them. (Editorial comment: I learned that from my partner, Yusuke Kuramochi, […]

Customers For Life

“Customers for  Life: How to Turn That One-Time Buyer Into a Lifetime Customer” is the name of a 1990 book written by Dallas Cadillac dealer Carl Sewell and Paul B. Brown. It’s an easy, quick read filled with practical examples of what good customer service looks like. If you decide to read it, you’ll be […]

Clients for Life

Recently I decided to re-read “Clients for Life,” a book written by Andrew Sobel and Jagdish Sheth that my partner, Paul Bernhard, highly recommended when it came out 20 years ago. I’m not sure why, but it didn’t impact me back then like it did this time. The target audience is service professionals including lawyers, […]

A Great Success Story

Recently I was meeting with a client and asked him, “How is Linda doing?” First, a bit of background. My client hired Linda through a government program whose mission is to help people who are on some type of government assistance find a full-time job. Over the years, my client has hired a number of […]