Entries by Tom Doescher

A Great Success Story

Recently I was meeting with a client and asked him, “How is Linda doing?” First, a bit of background. My client hired Linda through a government program whose mission is to help people who are on some type of government assistance find a full-time job. Over the years, my client has hired a number of […]

Types of Leaders

In my last blog, I recommended reading “A Great Place to Work for All” by Michael C. Bush. Almost as an aside to the theme of his book, Bush reminds us of the Jim Collins five levels of leaders from his famous book, “Good to Great”. Level 1: The Unintentional Leader Unintentional Leaders are easy […]

He Saved Me!

During my Plante Moran Going Away Reception in 2011, one of my Tax Partners came up to me about halfway through the evening and asked, “Are you ok?” To which, I said, “Is it that obvious.” She responded, “To me it is, but I know you so well.” The truth was that I had enormous […]

Scary Smart

Sometime last year, I heard that Elon Musk had recommended that the government establish policies related to AI. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Musk, like me, looks at rules and guidelines as suggestions. More recently, a client suggested I watch a “60 Minutes” episode in which Google’s CEO was interviewed about AI. […]