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The Ultimate Overcomer
Tom Doescher
I recently heard Cynt Marshall present and then read her book:
Oh, my goodness! To say “Thriving Through the Unexpected” (per the subtitle of the book pictured here) is a gigantic understatement. To look at Cynt Marshall’s photograph on the cover of “You’ve Been Chosen,” you’d have no idea what she’s overcome. I’m not going to ruin the book, which I would highly recommend to every person I know, but she has experienced childhood trauma, pregnancy issues, discrimination, and a life-threatening illness. Any one of those issues, alone, would derail most of us. Yet today, Marshall is the very successful CEO of the Dallas Mavericks, owned by Mark Cuban.
Marshall has more to be bitter about than any 20 people I know who have suffered major tragedies, but her upbeat can-do attitude, with not a hint of resentment, is inspiring. It certainly recharged my battery. I have no idea why Cuban hired her, but I’m sure her positive, encouraging demeanor played a role.