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Is Your Employee Turnover Too High?
Tom Doescher
In his book, The Dream Manager, Matthew Kelly offers some very practical advice. The book is a fictional story/fable, similar to Patrick Lencioni books, and it’s a powerful, quick, easy read. Kelly opens the book by quoting Thoreau: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined!” He goes on to quote statistics on the high level of disengagement by employees in the workplace today.
Kelly states that people generally do not leave because of money. Remember Marcus Buckingham’s Gallup results and his 12 Questions, now reduced to 8? (You can get a PDF copy of both the 12 and 8 Questions in the Resource section of my website.)
Most of the book is about “dreams,” but the fictional company owner reluctantly agrees to a one-question employee survey, recommended by his COO. Here’s the question: Why do you think so many people come and go from our company? It’s a very simple, but powerful, question, and although the results are shocking, they’re relatively easily dealt with. However, as my mentor, Ken Kunkel, used to warn me, “Be careful what you ask for.” By that, he meant that if you ask, you need to be prepared to do something, and not just “receive and file” the advice. You’ll probably be surprised, and it may cost some money, but do the math. How many people left your company last year? What was their average compensation? Multiply that result times 150 percent, and that’s what it’s costing now, if you do nothing.
Most of the book involves a revolutionary idea that may be more than you’re willing to take on at this time. I would still encourage you to read it; it may stimulate an idea or two that you can implement.
If you’re concerned about your high turnover rate, I would highly recommend you and your leadership team read The Dream Manager.
If you’re a financial/wealth management advisor and you’re looking for ways to use your skills and give back to your community, I would also recommend you read this book.