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Making Your Bed Is Important? Are You Kidding Me?
Recently I finished The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes, a former All-American who is currently on the USA men’s national handball team. He’s also a motivational speaker, author, and executive coach. His book was similar to many others I’ve read and, halfway through the book, I concluded I wouldn’t blog about it. Then I got to Chapter 6, where Howes recommends making your bed every morning. As support for his position, he references the 2014 commencement address at the University of Texas, which was delivered by Adm. William McRaven, a retired Navy Seal. I had listened to McRaven’s address a few years ago, and I highly recommend it to you. In fact, here’s a six-minute portion of the address, where the admiral’s first recommendation to the graduates is that they make their beds.
Howes also quotes from The Happiness Project by New York Times best-selling author and blogger Gretchen Rubin. I’m sure you’ll be skeptical, but Rubin reports that many of the readers who have communicated with her in response to her happiness project report that making their beds had the biggest impact on their happiness. Paraphrasing Rubin, “Making your bed is a step that’s quick and easy, yet makes a big difference. Everything looks neater. It’s easier to find your shoes. Your bedroom is a more peaceful environment.” She goes on to say, “Because making my bed is one of the first things I do in the morning, I start the day feeling efficient, productive, and disciplined.”
Wow, very interesting. I’ll leave it up to you whether you decide to read the Howes or Rubin books, but if you haven’t heard Adm. McRaven’s address, I would definitely recommend listening to it.
Hopefully you’ll accept this post in the spirit it is offered.