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As a Leader, Do You Feel All Alone? That’s How I Felt.
I must admit that I stumbled into the use of a leadership team (LT). I wish I could tell you that I followed a more thoughtful, strategic process, but that wouldn’t be the truth. (If you want more details, let me know.)
That being said, the result turned out to be more — and even better — than I anticipated. Take a look at our Doescher Advisors Leadership Team Checklist PDF. The checklist was created for our clients who are setting up leadership teams. I won’t take the time here to summarize everything that’s on this comprehensive list, but I will point out a few items and offer some editorial comments:
- I find that LT meetings, if properly organized (i.e. the right agenda), provide practical, relevant “leadership development” for everyone involved (senior and junior executives).
- If you have the right LT and you behave (i.e., you keep your mouth shut and listen), you’ll get immediate feedback on the decisions or initiatives that you’re considering.
- I felt like I wasn’t all alone because others had skin in the game. Communications regarding new initiatives or significant decisions came from the LT, rather than me (although, obviously, there are times they should come from the leader).
- It’s a great way to find out if there’s an issue that needs attention.
- In between meetings, you have others who are looking at the big picture of the organization.
- I would evaluate the LT based on the number of contrarian views expressed (you want to avoid groupthink).
I would strongly recommend that most companies take the time and effort to put a LT in place. I’m so passionate about it, in fact, that I would be happy to discuss the value of leadership teams with you, at no cost.