Our Blog
The “Building Your Own Dream Team” Series
Most businesses are currently experiencing strong demand for their products or services. Very predictably, many of you say you’re short of people at all levels, and some of you have found yourself in a bidding war to hire someone. I often hear owners say, “Our people are our most important asset.”
So, it seems fitting, as we look forward to 2015, to spend some time discussing people. Over the next several months, I will present a series of posts entitled “Building Your Own Dream Team.” I believe the best companies take into consideration the following elements when putting their team together:
- PERFECT CANDIDATE — Clearly define the perfect candidate (i.e. skills, background, experience, etc.) and determine the best place to find them (i.e. a particular university, community college, high school, etc.).
- GOOD FIT — Establish a rigorous process to ensure the candidate is a good fit with your company and the position, and vice versa.
- CO-OP — Offer internships, co-ops and apprenticeships to attract great talent to your company.
- MENTOR — Make buddy/mentoring programs available to your team members.
- FEEDBACK — Offer clear, actionable developmental feedback to all team members.
- ADVANCEMENT — Provide opportunities for advancement.
- RE-RECRUITING — Develop and monitor your re-recruiting process.
- SPECIAL PLACE — Create a special place that people are proud of, and where they want to work.
Our next blog will begin the “Build Your Own Dream Team” series.