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A tribute to our new hero: Mary Kate Bryant
In March, I (Tom) had a life-changing experience. I attended the funeral of Mary Kate Bryant (grandmother of my former partner Paul), who died just shy of her 97th birthday. Due to her age, I anticipated a small crowd, mostly family members. When I arrived at the church, the parking lot was full. To my surprise, the place was packed with people who Mary Kate had helped throughout her life. At one point in the service, participants were allowed to say a few words. The line was long and the stories were touching. Mary Kate was truly an impact player.
So what? Here is the “So what.” I carry Mary Kate’s picture, along with our “Last Life Marathon” goals, in my wallet. Looking at her face challenges me to invest in people, like she did, all the way until the very end.
Here is our challenge for you. Consider this question: Ultimately, why does your company exist? Once you’ve done that, spend some time contemplating whether there’s a picture/visual that you and your team could rally around, like my photo of Mary Kate?