Our Blog
I want to get better!
After working with a number of clients, it has become clear to us that we are incredibly fortunate to have received more developmental feedback than most of our peers. That being said, we were also fortunate to have been the recipients of a lot of mentoring, which we admit we may have taken for granted. Tom, for example, benefited from the Plante Moran environment, which provided regular improvement suggestions and gave very specific feedback every six months. It was not a program; it was a way of life. We believe in outside training programs like Harvard and the Center for Creative Leadership, but the best way to improve your team and company results is to provide continuous developmental feedback. Why? Because it’s very specific to each individual team member and your business.
The question is, do your team members get regular, actionable feedback to help them be better? (And we’re not talking about a program or forms.)
Get started this way. Twice a year, meet with your key team members and tell them two things they’re really good at. Then, give them two suggestions for how they can become even better.
People are dying for candid, truthful feedback. They want to do better, and they need your help.