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The Infinite Game
Tom Doescher
You can’t argue that that’s all good stuff. For some reason, though, I’ve had reservations about PEG ownership. Simon Sinek, in his latest book about “Infinite Companies,” helped me understand my concern. Most of his comments/observations/examples would be related to publicly owned companies, but I believe his theories could also apply to some PEGs.
In a nutshell, his definition of an “Infinite Company” is one that bases its decisions on the long term, versus a “Finite Company” that’s short-term-focused. He shares stories about how both Infinite and Finite companies behave.
If you’re a founder with what Sinek would call a “just cause” and desire to leave a legacy, I would highly recommend reading The Infinite Game.
If your company has gone public or it’s been sold to a PEG and you’re no longer comfortable with it, I would highly recommend you read Sinek’s book.